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If you're looking to save some cash, I recommend checking out local transport options instead of taxis. The tram is super convenient and close by!
I suggest going to Havlicek Gardens early in the morning, around 8 AM, when it's less crowded and the air is fresh. Perfect for a peaceful stroll.
My advice is to keep an eye out for the lookout tower. It offers stunning views of the city if you don't mind climbing some stairs.
Havlicek Gardens Travel Tips (3)
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If you're looking to save some cash, I recommend checking out local transport options instead of taxis. The tram is super convenient and close by!
I suggest going to Havlicek Gardens early in the morning, around 8 AM, when it's less crowded and the air is fresh. Perfect for a peaceful stroll.
My advice is to keep an eye out for the lookout tower. It offers stunning views of the city if you don't mind climbing some stairs.