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Spirit de Milan
Don't miss the performances! They usually happen around 10 PM, and they add a great touch to the whole experience. It’s a perfect time to grab a front-row spot.
If you want to save some cash, check their social media or website for any happy hour deals. I found some great drink specials during my visit.
Bring some light footwear! The dance floor can get super crowded, and trust me, you'll want comfy shoes to enjoy the night.
Phoenix Dance Studio asd
oh and keep an eye out for special promotions or beginner packages. i saved a bit on my first few classes by signing up during a discount period!
My advice is to attend a weekend class; the atmosphere is so much livelier, and you get to meet a wider variety of people who are just as excited about dancing!
La Scala
Blue Note Milano
Blue Note
Legend Club
Stagione Musica Nuova - I Classici del Novecento
I suggest checking the schedule online before you go. Some performances can sell out, so it helps to have a plan. I missed my pick and had to settle for standing room, which wasn't as great.